I encourage you read this excellent article at Lawyers.com about a Minnesota judge arrested for DUI. Another informative article is here. It is reported that the judge said he had six vodka drinks before his involvment in a motor vehicle accident. His blood alcohol level was reportedly 0.28.
What? 0.28? According to the blood alcohol chart here, it would take six drinks to give you a BAC of 0.28 if you weighed 100 lbs. Seriously? 0.28? A person with a BAC of 0.28 has severe motor impairment, may suffer loss of consciousness, and memory blackout. That is seriously drunk.
Fortunately it does not appear that there were any injuries.
A drink of your favorite alcoholic beverage may give you a nice pleasant feeling, and you would think that two drinks would make you feel even better. But there is a point of diminishing return with alcohol. When you drink more, instead of feeling better, you just turn into a sloppy drunk. And if you drive, you are a risk to yourself and others. If you are caught driving, the result will almost certainly be personally and professionally adverse.
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