This Maryland judge might eventually suffer shortness of breath as a result of an unusual requirement following his sentencing for DUI.
In November, 2009, a judge from Maryland was arrested and charged with driving under the influence of alcohol after he crashed into another car. Wine – five glasses – was apparently the culprit. That story is here. The judge blew a 0.18, and eventually pled guilty in March, 2010. He was sentenced to three years probation and fined $1,000.
Even after his conviction the judge will be allowed to remain on the bench. The judge agreed to attend at least five AA meetings per week, abstain from alcohol, and take a breathalyzer test every day before assuming his judicial post. See the recent story here.
This story reminds us that suffering from an alcohol related incident is not the end of the world. There is always hope for those that honestly face the consequences and accept responsibility for their actions.
I'm not so sure judges who are convicted even of misdemeanors should stay on the bench...They should theoretically have a higher moral standard.
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