Thursday, May 19, 2016

Substance Abuse Makes You Sick

Photo by Steven - Monika, CC BY 3.0,

Everyone knows – or should know – that substance abuse can lead to major complications.  For instance alcohol has a damaging effect on every organ system.  Taken regularly in large doses, alcohol can cause the permanent loss of memory, gastritis, esophagitis, ulcers, pancreatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, high blood pressure, weakened heart muscles, and fetal alcohol syndrome – for starters.

But did you know that substance abusers just get sick more often than those who don’t abuse substances?  You may be asking:  What is substance abuse?  Abuse in this context is the continued use of alcohol or other drugs in spite of negative consequences.  Let’s say a person drinks too much at a bar one night and is arrested for DUI on the way home.  A week later, instead of drinking less or calling a cab, that same person makes the choice to repeat the conduct that led to the DUI.  That would be abuse.

Abuse differs from addiction or dependence, which is the compulsive use of alcohol or drugs regardless of the consequences.  The person doesn’t make the choice to continue drinking, the person is compelled to drink.

How does abuse make you sick?  Well, alcohol abuse can lower your immunity to infection.  Substance Abusers also tend to neglect proper nutrition and exercise.  So substance abusers are just more susceptible to catching colds and illnesses.

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