Oh the pain!
Fentanyl and oxycodone are strong prescription opiates used to relieve moderate or severe pain. Fentanyl, which is stronger than oxycodone, is reportedly about one thousand times stronger than heroin. For the vast majority of patients, these painkillers are effective and are used safely. Unfortunately, addiction problems due occur, and those who have become addicted include lawyers.
The latest is reported to be a lawyer from Scranton, Pennsylvania, Robert Foley. He was recently arrested for fraudulently obtaining painkillers from 33 different doctors. The cost to feed his habit was approximately $3,000 per month. According to court papers, Foley became addicted to pain killers in 2008 after suffering a back injury.
The story is here and here.
Despite their pain killing properties, opioid drugs also can induce euphoria by affecting the brain regions that mediate what we perceive as pleasure. This feeling is often intensified for those who abuse opioids when administered by routes other than those recommended. For example, some addicts take OxyContin snorting it or injecting it in order to enhance its euphoric effects. Withdrawal symptoms from opiates include runny nose, sweating, headache, muscle pain cramps, fever, twitching, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia, and fatigue.
Addiction to any drug – even prescription painkillers - is a brain disease. Fortunately, like other chronic diseases, the disease of addiction can be treated effectively.
Even though Foley must feel like this is the end of the world, people have rebounded from worse than this and gone on to achieve great things.
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